About Tim Jacobs
Dear Friend,
I’m Tim Jacobs, married to Marian, and father of our three children. My passion is to equip Christians to spread the gospel and teach the word while remaining rooted in robust Christian doctrine. This is why I’m a Teaching Fellow and Assistant to the Provost at The Davenant Institute.
Davenant’s goal is to revive the riches of classical Protestantism in order to renew and build up the contemporary church. In a time when cultural whim can easily seep into the church, many pastors and missionaries are hungry to become rooted in timeless doctrines.
Although my former seminary, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, is dedicated to theological education, the president, Albert Mohler, once said, “I do not believe evangelicalism has sufficient resources for a thick enough Christianity to survive either this epoch or much beyond.” He continued saying,
"[Our] identity has to be . . . historic[ally] Protestant. . . . But modern evangelicalism lacks the theological substance either of the Reformation or the Reformers because the Reformers themselves, Luther and Calvin amongst them, were not at all hesitant, even as they affirmed sola scriptura and did so with full heart and soul, to go back and cite Augustine. They knew they were standing on the shoulders of those who had come before, and they sought to make that very clear. They stood on the creedal consensus of historic Christianity and thus confessional Protestantism, I would argue, is and must be—can be—sufficiently thick. But evangelicalism? Well, not so much." (“The Benedict Option: A Conversation with Rod Dreher,” Thinking in Public, AlbertMohler.com)
In order to maintain faithful witness in today’s world, we need to “stand on the shoulders of those who had come before . . . on the creedal consensus of historic Christianity and confessional Protestantism.” What does it mean to be historically rooted evangelicals? It means learning from heroes of the faith and the rich tradition of historic Christian doctrines that are often neglected today.
My goal is to disciple and train Christians to navigate contemporary culture while being rooted in the rich history of Christian doctrine. Jesus commands us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” by “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19–20). Historic Protestantism faithfully weds its evangelical mission with theological depth in order to preserve and spread a robust understanding of Christ.
Through Davenant, I invest in the health of the church — both local and international — by introducing pastors, teachers, and laymen to the untapped riches of historic Chrisitan doctrines. I teach courses and lead study groups on theology and Christian philosophy that delve into classic primary sources and show their striking relevance today. As Assistant to the Provost, I also help advance the larger Davenant Hall program of courses in an administrative capacity, including coaching students in career goals, aiding teachers, partnering with other institutions, organizing conferences, and more. Lastly, I look for opportunities to equip local churches to be deeply rooted in the history of Christian thought and classical doctrines by networking, speaking engagements, reading groups, and other creative opportunities.
It would be my honor if you would prayerfully consider partnering with me in three ways.
- First, prayer is the only way this ministry will succeed. I invite you to subscribe to my seasonal newsletter at tljacobs.com.
- Second, please help me network. This is perhaps the most significant way you can participate in my ministry. If you know individuals, churches, businesses, or groups who might benefit from Davenant’s resources or support my ministry, please share their information with me or have them contact me.
- Third, I invite you to partner with me financially. This will help towards my goal of transitioning from part time volunteer to full time. I’m not given a wage or salary. I make what you give. You’ll be supporting my involvement in national and international pastoral training as well as my involvement in the exciting projects ahead. Please prayerfully consider supporting my ministry on a monthly basis, though one-time gifts are also appreciated. All contributions are tax-deductible. Even if you cannot give, please still consider subscribing to my newsletter at tljacobs.com.
If you are available, I would like to talk more with you about Davenant. Please let me know when you might be available for a phone call or meeting. Together, we can help preserve and strengthen the health of the church.
Until all have heard,
Tim Jacobs